Karl responded to me:

>>...  The WC theme seems more to me like ersatz Rachy; yet as a child
>>I was enchanted, and even now, though I acknowledge the entire piece
>>is over-written and showy and that's probably why it has not endured
>>in terms of public interest, it still holds a special magic.:-)
>Especially when you hear it in my favorite arrangement...done for chorus
>by Fred Waring!

Now that would be something different!  Thank you all for the
many insightful posts about this fascinating movie and its equally
interesting music.  I am still waiting for the video to arrive, and,
since I have heard nothing and have not yet even been billed for it, I'm
beginning to become quite impatient.  The copy I'm ordering is through
robertsvideos.com at $24.95, as opposed to amazon which has a copy for
about $50.

Pamela McElwain-Brown
Minneapolis, MN USA