My liking for Robert Saxton's Elijah's Violin (ca.  22 min), from an
anthology CD on Cala, has prompted me to look for more by this 1953-born
Brit composer.  There's a Violin Concerto on its way for me now, and
something from BRO too.  Anyway, while idly googling his name over lunch
I ran across a new link filled with music clips, including of his VC.
It's the British Music Info Centre, which has got a couple of clips of
his music -- and by many, many others.  Check it out:

'Reminded me of how I came to know the Croatian composer Milko Kelemen.
I forget how I got to,
but after playing a clip or two it sparked my interest in this composer
-- who now, after 3 CDs and another on its way, is easily one of my big
discoveries of 2005 so far.  There are clips by a few others as well,
though he seems to be the grosse fromage on that site.

I grant that some clips can be annoyingly brief (tho' not on the Kelemen
site).  Even so, I think such sites can be extremely useful to record
labels, as well as to music lovers like you and me, as well as to musicians
and composers.  Well, okay: the living ones.

This would interest those pursuing new music.  There seems to be a ton
of it out there, so at least I need as much help as possible.

So, tell me: have mcmListers run into recommendable websites with multiple
music clips?  I don't just mean sites of shops we can take advantage of,
like Tower, when looking to get a handle on some new composer or unknown
work before buying.  Surely that's sort of cheating.  I mean sites that
deliberately post clips in order to spread the word about their composers...


Bert Bailey