>>As I sit here and watch the 4 to 6 inches of forecast snow accumulate
(typical for February in these parts) I speculate that a bit of global warming would benefit my bees.  Upstate New York is a harsh climate on honey bee colonies.


We've gotten about the same amount of snow, although closer to 4" than 6', last night in downstate NY on Long Island.  Interestingly enough, walking around yesterday -- Feb. 20th and before the snow -- my wife and I saw a couple of sheltered spots where snow drops and crocuses were already showing their pretty heads.

Made me think spring was just around the corner!

Long Island, NY

PS.  Since they have discovered frozen seas on Mars(http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/4285119.stm), perhaps global or solar system warming will make beekeeping possible there one day. :)

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