My apologies if this is a repeat.

Internet/Intranet Web Masters, Web Authors, Page Authors:

Bill Lindsey, Klamath Falls Resource Area, recently completed work on
his new National website.  The Bureau of Land Management's Historic
Glass Bottle Identification and Information Website, due to logistical
problems locally, is being hosted in Denver.

The National Office has already listed this new website on its Browse
pages (under Historic Bottles), and contacts have been made with the
National Cultural Resources Program lead and the National Science and
Technology Center for getting this new cultural-resources-related
website cross-linked from appropriate BLM programs.

The Historic Glass Bottle Identification and Information website is
already being heavily used and is being cross-referenced from many
non-BLM and non-Federal websites.

Please cross-reference Bill's website on your respective websites,
where and as appropriate --

(I received this from the BLM)

Smoke Pfeiffer
845 Cagle Rock Road
Russellville, Ar. 72802

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity."
---Sigmund Freud, General Introduction to Psychoanalysis---