clamav-milter version 0.81b on
Status: O

Bernard Chasan wrote:

>>..., I can tell Mr. Peters that he can no more hear vanity in
>>the music than he can paint the air.

Robert Peters replies:

>Bernard, what about discussing without becoming insulting?  I actually
>hear vanity in Liszts music as I hear sadness in Beethoven`s Moonlight
>Sonata, jollity in some of Rossinis aria, hatred in Mozarts La vendetta-aria
>and Verdis Iago-arias, grace in Botticelli`s String Quintet and so on.
>(And by the way,

And Robert indeed deserves an apology, which I now offer.  This whole
Strauss- Liszt business generated way more heat than light.  We all have
our individual tastes, but I would echo Steve's point that we should
judge composers when they are at their best.  For me Liszt's best is the
late piano music and the Schubert settings.

>I am a poor painter but I reommend Turner as someone who actually could
>paint air.

As an amateur painter and an enthusiast for Turner I accept his interesting
interpretation of painting air.

I have now have said all that I intend to say about the infamous Musical
Quotations 9.

Bernard Chasan