Bert Bailey in answer to me:

>> [...] - Carlos Prieto's cello is impressive...
>Indeed, it's the Piatti Stradivarius, and if I take your thrust I'd agree
>that he's an artist of the highest stature.

Indeed you do and I should have been more precise.  (I look forward to
your Sierra review).

I first heard Carlos Prieto thanks to an Urtext recording called
"Conciertos y Choro".  Initially, it was the Guarnieri "Choro para
violonchelo y orquesta" that had attracted me, but I was pleased to
hear other works for cello - three, including a cello concerto, from
Carlos Chavez with whom I was already familiar in my own small way, and
a second cello concerto which proved to be quite an exciting introduction
to the music of Federico Ibarra - it's a recording worth having, all
told.  Prieto's son, Carlos Miguel Prieto, is conducting the Orquesta
de las Americas.

Karl Miller:

>While I was not overcome by his playing at that time, I was delighted
>to know of his deep knowledge of and appreciation for the literature.
>He was totally unpretentious, a complete gentleman and most gracious,
>and to me, a rather noble sort of individual.  While his technique was
>not that of a Rostropovich, but then only a Yo Yo Ma is that good, his
>interpretations conveyed to me a great respect and love for the music.

Thank you for this more personal information.  Strangely, through his
recordings, his interpretations convey a similar impression, and certainly
one of absolute dedication.  They are most convincing.  Nothing of what
I have heard was recorded before 1998.  If you met him before then, maybe
I am right in thinking that Prieto has the maturing qualities of a good
wine... if you will excuse the more mundane comparison...


Christine Labroche