James Tobin <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>My luck has been mixed on orders through both Gemm and Amazon.  What I
>have found is that some dealers claim to have items they do not in fact
>still (?) have in stock.  This can slow things down.  In fact I am still
>waiting to see an item from an Amazon affiliate that first claimed to
>have shipped it six weeks ago but which in response to my inquiry admitted
>it was "backordered." Not cricket.  But I have mostly received in good
>condition--and promptly--most items I have ordered this way.  Gemm rates
>dealers with a star system right at the point of listing each item.
>Amazon asks for a rating afterwards.

Now I wonder, was the affiliate from whom you got the back order message
Caiman?  That was my experience with them.  When I asked a second time
a few weeks later and got verbatim the same message I voiced my suspicions
and they then said that they couldn't obtain the disc.  I tried German
Music Express, another affiliate, and the disc (a deleted Sony Classical
recording) reached me in England within 2 weeks. (I have no financial
connexion with either of these companies).

Virginia Knight
Personal homepage: http://www.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/~ggvhk/virginia.html
Blog (mostly about singing): http://edward.ilrt.bris.ac.uk/~cmvhk/blog/