Concerning comb replacement, Dennis Murrell said "It appears that
feral hives are
recycled about every 3 years or so. That might be a better lifespan for

Dennis, I have also observed that feral comb is never as black as some
I have seen in the hives of commercial beekeepers.  But, do you have
any evidence that feral bees recycle comb?  Or, is your comment based
on the color/condition of feral comb?

I just can't imagine 'feral' bees having an instinct in this regard
that our 'domesticated' bees do not have.  And once bees get into a
climate as far north as Upstate New York, let alone Vermont, Maine,
Canada, etc. wax moths are not really a problem so 3-5 year recycling
principally by exposure to these guys is unlikely.

Lloyd Spear
Owner Ross Rounds, Inc.
Manufacture of equipment for round comb honey sections,
Sundance Pollen Traps, and producer of Sundance custom labels.
Contact your dealer or

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