Some musings from a lurker-

In regard to the mother who experiences cold and shivers with 
breastfeeding--could this be a result of the hormonal changes?  Lower 
estrogen levels affect our "thermostats": some women experience cold and 
shivers with menopause, and not just hot flashes.  With her previous child 
did the problem abate with the resumption of menses?

In regard to persistent yeast- one thing not included in the list of what 
that the mother had tried was sunlight. I helped a mother who had a similiar 
experience of persistent yeast-and she too tried everything.  Then she 
remembered my suggestion about sunlight-a remedy for sore nipples that has 
been around for a long time.  No toppless beaches here, so she opted to go 
to the tanning salon. After one session, felt better, and after three 
sessions, said the yeast was gone!  (Which makes me wonder, in areas where 
there are topless beaches, is there less nipple yeast?)
Also, remember to look for other co-existing causes, rarely is it so simple 
as to be just one thing causing the soreness!

In regard to the gassy baby-maybe the baby has yeast-has he had any other 
signs? Diaper rash? Or maybe the baby had a viral infection that affected 
his gastrointestinal system, and he has never gotten back into balance. I 
have known moms to have good results when they gave their gassy babies 
acidophililus with bifida (there are versions specifically made for infants 
to be found at health food stores).  This also did the trick for a baby who 
was having really watery stools leaving his poor bum excoriated, but having 
no other problems.  The mom was thrilled with the suggestion after all else 
had failed to help.

Diana Roberts, RN, IBCLC, RLC
Mt. Pleasant, SC

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