Mimi Ezust said:

>I blame it on the absence of music instruction in the public school.
>When school-children do not learn how to read music, play musical
>instruments, play in ensembles, they remain ignorant of the beauties
>and pleasures of classical music.

I graduated from High School in 1958 and we were never given these
opportunities even back then.  My interest in classical music was mainly
the result of visits from my aunt from North Carolina who taught piano,
and my cousin who studied piano and still teaches it in Florida.  I only
recall a couple of friends who had any interest in classical music at
all, but no one ever thought my interest was strange.

Here I am, a LOT of years later and my first piano concerto purchase
(Rach 2, from McCrory's) has grown to over 500 and still counting.  I
suspect that more people think I am strange about this passion these

Joel Hill
Tallahassee, FL - USA
ALKAN Web Page: http://www.nettally.com/joelhill/alkan