Alastair wrote:

>flying through the air and impacting my digital radio (a
>rather expensive collision) because there is far too much talk and
>"interpretation" on the second programme; if anyone is recording the
>programme extensive cuts would be in order.
>Just be quiet and play the music; it speaks for itself!

Yes, but apart from some gems like the Shostakovich which I didn't even
knew existed, most of the music is well known.  We can hear that anytime.
What was completely unique "was" the talking.  After all it was a
celebration of a very vital human being who loved friendship, and human
companionship.  Understanding Jackie as musician also means understanding
her as a human being.  For Heather Harper, Barenboim, Kirschbaum etc
this was an opportunity to tell us what they felt about her and why she
made such an impact.  It augments what we hear in the music and adds
greater depth.  It is part of their homage, and something she would have
appreciated very much indeed.  We can listen to the recordings anytime.
This was a very special, unique one off experience I for one felt very
privileged to share.

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