Robert Stumpf:

>Every now and then I hear some music on the radio, whilst tooling around
>town, that I know, but don't know who is playing it.  On the other hand,
>I just HAVE to know what recording it is becuase I HAVE to have it.  ...
>Any similars to share?

Usually, I have to pull over for music I DON'T know.  I'm like Karl
Miller in that regard.  It drives me nuts, and I have to guess before
the piece ends.

I don't like what this reveals about me, but I'll confess anyway: almost
always the performances I hear on the car radio that really grab me are
performances I already know and like.  I heard a really great Beethoven
8th recently while on a long drive.  "This is wonderful," I said to
myself and to my wife.  "I wonder who it is." I kept pointing out to her
little touches as I drove, annoying her no end with the interruptions
and, it turns out, worrying her about the proper focus of my concentration
as I drove.  Anyway, it was Szell and the Cleveland, that classic account.

Steve Schwartz