Christopher Webber wrote:

>Mozart re-orchestrated some major Handel scores, including "Acis and
>Galatea", "The Messiah", "Ode for Saint Cecilia's Day" and "Alexander's
>Feast"; and though I can't lay my hands on a direct quotation (maybe
>somebody can) he too regarded Handel as the standard at which to aim.
>Handel's musico-dramatic influence is specially patent in his operas,
>especially "Idomeneo" and the late "La Clemenza di Tito".

And there are numerous passages in Mozart's Requiem that are very
reminiscent (nay, lifted with minimal alteration) from parts of Handel's
oeuvre.  A work of Handel's in praise of some royal coronation found its
way into the Requiem with only its mode altered from major to minor.

 - seb