"Cytokines (IL-1beta, IL-6, TNF-alpha, TGF-beta1, and TGF-beta2) and
prostaglandin E2 in human milk during the first three months postpartum"
JS Hawkes et al:
The proinflammatory cytokines IL-1beta, IL-6, and TNF-alpha were present in
only a proportion of [breastmilk] samples, and there was a wide range of
concentrations detected at each time in the present study...  The
antiinflammatory cytokines TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta2 were present in
substantial quantities in all samples, and there was little change in the
mean concentration...

TNF and IL-6 are the enemies in Crohn's. The above study findings where the
powerful anti-inflammotry cytokines are, as long known, found in all
samples of breastmilk but where the pro-inflammatories, such as TNF, are
found only in a few breastmilks suggests to me the possibility that those
breastmilks expressing these factors are those of mothers experiencing some
kind of gastro-intestinal inflammatory condition, such as Crohn's, colitis,
irritable bowel... and that "your" mother may be expressing these same
factors into her own milk. Some of the powerful anti-inflammatory cytokines
found in all breastmilks are being studied and tested as therapeutic use
for bowel diseases. My intuition would be that a healthy woman's breastmilk
might be therapeutic to your client whereas her own may not be.

There is great concern with malabsorption of nutrients in Crohn's/colitis
as well and the drinking of her own breastmilk would require this mother to
produce more breastmilk, utilizing more nutrients from her body and
possibly reducing her nutrient status (as more nutrients are utilized in
the production of breastmilk than are provided in it).

While this would likely be a short-term usage of breastmilk in an adult, I
personally have a concern about long-term usage of breastmilk in an adult
because of the hormones and growth factors naturally found in any mammal
milk -- these not intended for adult consumption -- and very possibly
potentially encouraging of cancer growth. Dairy consumption is known to
increase human cancer risks and "unprocessed" human milk in a human  might
prove to be even more powerful.

The powerful anti-inflammatory condition of being fed breastmilk is cancer
encouraging itself -- as anti-tumor factors such as TNF (tumor necrosis
factor) are normally reduced by the action of breastmilk. This is no
concern in an infant who should not have seeds of cancers lurking, but can
be a danger in an older adult. The new Crohn's therapeutic drug that
reduces TNF, and is a valuable healing medicine for active cases, is known
to surely increase cancer cases for those using it for any extended period
of time.

The reduced incidence of cancer seen in children and adults who were
breastfed comes from different mechanisms -- one of normality (breastfed)
versus abnormality (immune-deprived/foreign-fed).


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