Michael Cervin wrote:

>The possible conclusion is perhaps that the supply of great classical
>music is so rich and varied that there can be no single listener who
>can truly appreciate everything.  Other "blind spots", anyone?

Mine, and I think I went on about this long ago on this list, is 19th
century (especially, but not in any way limited to) concertos, particularly
for piano and to a slightly lesser extent for violin.  I do like the two
piano concertos.  by Brahms, particularly the First, but don't care for
his Violin Concerto and like his Double only a little more. One concerto
I do like, and shouldn't because it's one of the premier pyrotechnical
displays by a soloist (my major objection to the form), is the Elgar
Violin Concerto.  On the other hand, I don't care for his more restrained
Cello Concerto.  Go figure.

Roger Hecht