Mitch Friedfeld asks:

>What obsessions have other listmembers succumbed to?

Record collecting is my great obsession...

As of late I have observed many individuals selling pirate CDs of
classical discs that have not been reissued on CD.  In my restoration
work I have transferred many a lacquer disc but rarely an LP.  So I
decided to transfer (and restore) some of my oldies but goodies...I found
myself looking for discs that I didn't listen to very often, mainly
because the sound was terrible...mostly old Columbia LPs.  For some
reason I started in on Morton Gould's recordings for Columbia...everything
from his Family Album to the Tap Dance Concerto...which lead me to the
Stokowski recording of the Dance Variations, Gould's own recording of
Spirituals with the Chicago Symphony, to...yes even a few of his "easy
listening" albums.  That's one obsession.

Another came from restoring some old French Columbia discs, Bruck
conducting the Prokofiev Second and Third Symphonies...I believe their
first recordings.  So I have been listening to all of my recordings of
those two works.

Then there is the ritualistic side of things...years ago, at least once
a week, I would listen to Daphnis and Chloe with the score.

Other obsessions...Koussevitzky performances...Munch
