I read hundreds of reviews, most of them fine, some not so.  Every so
often a gem surfaces, to be enjoyed, then forgotten.

So, I will render temporary inobscurity to part of a review by one of
my favorite critics, Mark Lehman, in the Nov/Dec American Record Guide.
Writing of the first movement of Otto Klemperer's Symphony no. 1, Lehman

   "[it] is a sort of rondo with attention-deficit disorder that
   shimmies, lurches, and lumbers along, reiterating a jaunty,
   naive main tune with the clown-like quality of being both
   amusing and annoying. ... [O]dd dissonances poke up painfully
   like springs from a worn-out couch."

Thankfully, only we and not Klemperer get to savor the images!

Jeff Dunn
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