is what Hoelterhoff called Chausson's 1903 "Le Roi Arthus" in a review
of the 1987 Erato recording, and she was right on the mark, especially
when it comes to the "T&I duet" that takes up half of Act 2 - it's really
gorgeous.  Somewhat belatedly <G>, I just came across the CD, picking
it up when I spotted Winbergh's name; he is Lancelot and another great
favorite of mine, Zylis-Gara, sings Guenievre.

Those two sing the big duet with amazing grace...  and power.  Gino
Quilico is a fine Arthur, but perhaps the best thing about this performance
is Armin Jordan's direction of the Nouvel Orchestre Philharmonique.  If
you come across the album in a library or at a garage sale, grab it.

Janos Gereben
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