David Harbin wrote:

>Cheers Mimi but I love Bruckner.  The difference is that Bruckner's
>symphonies organically grow whist Schubert's The Great just has these
>dreadfully innane 'jolly' tunes that go nowhere.

David, you need to read a good analysis of what Schubert is doing here.
The structure is actually masterly and, again, he is pointing the way
forward, using 3 subjects for his sonata form instead of 2, etc.

>Didn't Bernard Shaw descible it as "the most brainless composition put
>on paper"?

Actually I think it was "exasperatingly brainless", but....

>So much repetition with weak material!

Dangerous ground! Isn't the fundamental motif of Beethoven 5 fairly
uninteresting in itself?

Deryk Barker <[log in to unmask]>