Hi Scott:

The principle of K.I.S.S. is one I’m generally in complete agreement on. But, wasn’t it Einstein who
said something similar to: “Things should be as simple as possible, but not simpler”? It’s a bit
more complicated in *cold* regions than you realize.

 >”.....sun shines directly on the hives.....keeps the interior warm for a few hours for every day the
sun shines.

Not by very much when it’s colder than hell.  Honest.

 >When you wrap the hives, you are preventing the sun from shining on the hive bodies.
Preventing the almost daily relief from frigid stress.

I’ve read and have been told that alternating warm and cold is more stressful for bees than
constant temperatures. Besides, that’s really a moot point for winter in the *Far North*. (see the
previous statement)

About a year ago, solar gain in northern regions was talked about here. Why not read this first:


Do you live in Florida, or am I mistaken?  :)

Dick Allen

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