Neat idea and a great price but I see a couple of drawbacks.  The site suggests placing this feeder on one side in the lower deeps.  This means you have to lift the heavier top deep for access.  Also, bees may not leave the cluster to go down to the feeder there in cold weather.

I think it would be better to place this kind of feeder in the upper deep on top of the frames in the lower deep.

In my opinion, nothing beats a top feeder for speed of operation, minimal disturbance to the bees, and providing the warmest possible pathway for the bees to the feed.



>>it's at and I contacted the company and they're sending me a couple for trial and review in the ISBA Journal.  They're not similar to a division board in that they don't hang but actually sit on the bottom board and hold two deep frames.  The frames, empty comb act as ladders, I suppose, so the bees don't drown.

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