Donald Satz wrote:

>I noticed on the Chandos website that a new disc is being released of
>three symphonies from the pen of Robert Casadesus - nos. 1, 5, and 7.
>Not being at all familiar with his music, could anyone on the list give
>me an idea of his soundworld and style.

I have several recordings of his music, including the 7th Symphony, and
Orchestral Suite, Concertos for Piano, 2 Pianos and 3 Pianos and some
of the solo piano music and chamber works.

His music has touches of Poulenc and Honegger.  What I know of the music,
its character is optimistic and neoclassic.  The thematic material is
attractive.  The only negative I have observed is that the music is
sometimes short on the development of ideas.

I have often wondered why it is not performed more often.  I am extremely
pleased to hear of this release.  It will go at the top of my want list.
