Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>I remember a kerfuffle some years ago - it may have been as long ago
>as the late 80s - concerning Barenboim's wanting to conduct Wagner in
>Israel, which caused me to write a letter to an editor, but I'm unable
>to find it. ...

Last year, Garrison Keillor's "Prairie Home Companion" did a program
honoring the Minnesota Orchestra's 100th anniversary.  During the
course of the presentation, the orchestra performed the Prelude to "Die
Meistersinger", one of the staples of the symphonic repertoire.  The
thought crossed my mind that there might have been persons in the audience
who take great exception to Wagner in any form...I wondered if there was
any kind of promotion, like in the program booklet if they had one (I've
been to a P.H.C.  broadcast and there wasn't one then), giving people
so disposed a warning that Wagner was coming up?

Laurence Glavin
Methuen, MA