Hi Mike & All,

Thanks for the posting.

> there may be some weird
> microbial balance disruptions because once you add something to a
> biotic system things change.

This is exactly one of the main concerns of those beekeepers who use organic
method and try to keep bees as natural as humanly possible. To change the
balance by creating an imbalance within the hive and colony will do irreversible
damage. We must move slowly and carefully with this stuff.

There are other non-intrusive methods of controlling mites, this is what we
should be discussing.

 . ..   Keith Malone, Chugiak, Alaska USA, http://www.cer.org/,
c(((([ , Apiarian, http://takeoff.to/alaskahoney/,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Norlandbeekeepers/ ,

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