Richard Pennycuick ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>My latest Berkshire parcel contained a Shostakovich CD on Yedang
>Classics of the piano concertos, the concertino for two pianos and the
>second piano trio, all played by DSCH himself and recorded in the '50s
>(1949 for the trio).  The sound is not too bad, but I was surprised at
>the fast tempos which are presumably what the great man wanted.  They
>also illustrate, if it were needed, that he was a hell of a pianist.
>This CD costs as much as a cup of coffee and is certainly worth a
>place on your shelves.  I think he only recorded some of Op 87?

True. The old Russian Disc label also had a staggering 2-piano version
of the 10th symphony with DSCH and fellow-composer Moshe Vainberg.

Deryk Barker
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