'Don't know if the release you were looking at was Nxs 8.559408, but
it's well worth having.  I like it fine for his Violin Concerto #1, op
60, and the two suites: from his The Golem, and theatre music from a
composition called Belshazzar.

The Concerto (played by Elmar Oliveira) is a large, romantic, enjoyably
meandering, light but not oversweet work.  For these reasons, its closest
kin for me is Srul Irving Glick's VC, if you're familiar: gently captivating
works, intriguing if in the right mood.

I see 4 CDs of anthologies that include smaller works by him for violin
and piano at BRO.  No doubt worth the outlay, if one's wishlist weren't
always so long.

Bert Bailey