I am glad to hear Mr Silverstone's viola will be miked naturally.  I
would like to take the producer of the Handley version to one side and
quiety explain that a viola is not almost as loud as an orchestra and
full choir!

I am tired of engineers heavily miking star violinists / violists.  For
example, many of Pearlman's recordings make him sound beefy.  I am told
that, live, he can sound much sweeter.

Another good comparison is the old Polish EMI Matrix recordng of
Szymanowski's violin concerto no. 1.  There the engineers miked the
poor violinist so far forward it is ridiculous.  It almost makes you
wonder why Szymanowski bothered delicately judging the orchestral balances
in the first place.  Then turn to the Decca MontrealSO/Dutoit where the
orchestra thunders impressively in the few outbursts and the violin soars
sweetly, delicately and with added vulnerability.  The whole charater
of the music changes completely as we hear something closer to exotic
and erotic effect Szymanowski intended.  I have heard the NZSO perform
this work and sonically the Decca version is definitely closer to
experiencing the music live.  I wonder how the EMI Rattle and Chandos
versions compare?

David Harbin
Nottingham, UK