>>Maybe I am missing something, but I cannot see how it can be used in
areas producing thick canola honey.

Hey Peter

You are working in an exceptional year here in central Manitoba.  This year
has been difficult right from the get go.  I too have been having great
difficulty in extracting my last pull of honey due to the abundance of
canola flower so late in the season.  Granulation has been a problem in
most of my frames.  I too have the same problem with at least 1/3 of the
frames granulated.  What to do with them?  Canola honey granulates very
quickly when the temperature drops below 10degrees C.  It supprised me for
my supers had only been out for three weeks at the most.  I have never
produced so much extra white and white honey as this season.  Only two
barrels of buckwheat honey, rest graded white or higher.  Good for a
marketing stand point, hope the price recovers a bit.,,  I ended up with
154 lbs/hive.  Never thought I would reach the 150lbs mark a month a go.
Bees are going into winter heavey and stronge.  I hope the winter is mild
and next year is more towards the normal.

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