Food Chem Toxicol. 1986 Sep;24(9):913-21. Survey of lead, cadmium and
fluoride in human milk and correlation of levels with environmental and
food factors. Dabeka RW, Karpinski KF, McKenzie AD, Bajdik CD.

"Lead, cadmium and fluoride were determined in 210 samples of human milk
and the mean and median levels and ranges found were 1.04...for lead,
0.08...for cadmium,  and 7.08...for fluoride"

 J Assoc Off Anal Chem. 1987 Jul-Aug;70(4):754-7. Lead, cadmium, and
fluoride levels in market milk and infant formulas in Canada.
Dabeka RW, McKenzie AD.

"Lead, cadmium, and fluoride powder formula concentrates... levels
were 73.7, 6.78, and 1130 ng/g."   [that's 70 times, 85 times, and 160
times the levels in breastmilk]

North County San Diego is beginning water fluoridation and there is much
discussion around here. Many studies show that breastfeeding to about 9
months prevents fluorosis (looks more like formula feeding causes it, when
comparing the levels to other food sources or to water additives -- the
high fluoride comes from crops watered with fluoridated water and
especially fertilized with fluorine containing fertilizers -- then what do
we reconstitute the formula with?)

The purpose of the lead discussion is the claims that the form of fluorine
used for mass-medication of water (silicofluoride) is contaminated with
lead and some moms were asking if the lead went into the breastmilk. It
looks as though other exposures far outweigh/mask any detectable
fluoridated water source of lead.

"Statistical correlation of levels with some dietary and environmental
factors showed that lead levels were most strongly correlated with the age
of the house ..., with maternal exposure to heavy traffic for more than 5
yr ..., and with coffee consumption ... "


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