> Quite a bit of Bee Quick has been sold by bee supply houses *without*
> giving the buyer the information sheet which has been a on going problem

This is discouraging news.  I honestly thought that we had fixed this
problem with our unique (patent-pending) "2x4 upside the head" approach,
as we haven't gotten any e-mails from beekeepers requesting instruction
sheets in 2004, but shipped slightly more product to dealers than in 2003.

Printing the instructions on the back of the label would require that
we include a magnifying glass with every bottle to read the tiny print.

We even put labels on the inside flaps of our cases reminding our
dealers that each customer gets a bottle, a sprayer, and an
instruction sheet.  It is impossible to remove a bottle from a case
without seeing this "sign".

While we are gladdened by what must be the very progressive policies
towards hiring the handicapped of all the bee supply dealers, we
do wish that they would move the mentally handicapped employees out
of the order fulfillment department.  :)

> I doubt the makers [of Bee-Quick and Honey Robber] will
> respond as they are very secretive about their products.

I'm not sure what secrets they think they are keeping from anyone,
but anyone in any business who won't make it easy for customers to
reach them and respond promptly to customer inquires needs to wake
up and check which century this is.

          jim (fermez la Bush!)

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