Jane Pierce wrote:

>I guess I have seen the pop music/ r&r types of music depicted in movies
>and TV.  I am glad to know that some still enjoy going to the classical
>music performances anywhere.  I thought most European and other nations
>had subsidies for their arts programs unlike the SO's of the USA.

You are correct in believing that may European countries do still have
governmental subsides of arts organizations including orchestras.  However,
many countries are finding that governing bodies are reluctant to support
music with tax revenue.  In Great Britain this has resulted in a dramatic
reduction of funding for orchestras with the result that some London
city orchestras were dissolved.  In France, there have been "turf battles"
between politicians, music directors and executive directors resulting
in resignations of major players, almost certainly as a direct result
of intrusive government funding resulting in "artistic meddling".

In the U.S. lowered indirect support via tax write-offs for donations
to not-for-profits such as orchestras has resulted in big orchestra
deficits due to the slow economy and corporations loosing interest in
funding the arts.  I know the situation best in Chicago, where these
conditions have changed the Chicago Symphony from have a annual endowment
growth of $ 2 million per year to a net deficit of $4.6 million last
year, even with dramatic cuts of administration costs and outreach

As the director of a small professional chamber series, I have found
it much more difficult to get corporate support in the last (4) years
and federal support (NEA) and local arts organization support is almost
completely dried up.  Our series is now much more dependent on audience
donations than just a few years ago.

Nicholas J. Yasillo
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