Deryk Barker wrote:

>It would be really nice if we could have the exact same recording
>transferred by the major names in the field (Ward Marston, Mark Obert-Thorn,
>Seth Winner and one or two others whose names escape me right now -
>Michael Dutton for one) and then compare their methods/results exactly.

I would find that to be a great project. It was interesting to read Mark's
perspective on how his approach to sound differed from Ward's.  He felt
that Ward's work had a brighter sound, more treble, whereas I found
Mark's sound a bit brighter, maybe more midrange.

I am reminded of a "blind" test a group of us once did.  It was when
some of the Living Stereo items were reissued from the original tapes.
They made a big deal about it as I recall. We compared...the three of
us in my listening group all preferred the sound of the earlier CD issues
over the remastered...on most selections.  It was also interesting how
the sound quality really did change our perception of the performance.
