to paraphrase mr robert zimmermann, this ain't me, dude: been doing
virus scans & spyware chex until my eyes roll up in their sockets with
boredom, but my machine seems to be clean -
i do get daily messages from "praetzel" and someone else from the list
that the university server scrubs clean for me (replacing contents
with the daily message "this e-mail contained a virus"), so...
i imagine my ID is being used to spread this stuff in the same was
mr "praetzel" (wonder how/why they chopped his name down?)...
anyway -
also with the ISDN modem i've had to resort to using again, it would
be difficult for mass quantities of virus-laden material to originate
here -
& even then: is this smoke's real e-mail address? loox kinda fishy to

Quoting Michael Pfeiffer <[log in to unmask]>:

> Norton AntiVirus found a virus in an attachment you ("HISTARCH"
> <[log in to unmask]>) sent to "Mpfeiffer" <[log in to unmask]>.
> To ensure the recipient(s) are able to use the files you sent,
> perform a
> virus scan on your computer, clean any infected files, then resend
> this
> attachment.
> Attachment:  Document.hta
> Virus name: W32.Beagle.X@mm
> Action taken:  Clean failed : Quarantine succeeded :
> File status:  Infected