On this note, when I used to practice classical piano pieces a five year
old boy used to sit in my driveway and listen.  His Dad was embarrassed
that he would sit there and listen.  He bought him a tape recorder and
a few tapes (classical) and the child would then sit in my driveway
playing them as loud as it could be played.

It was stramge to me then and now as I look back on it.  They have moved
now, and I wonder what instrument I hope he is playing now.  His love
for classical music seemed to be an embarrassment to his Dad.  I could
never figure out why.

One of my children had me play for her wedding while another never wants
to hear me play.  Are we classical buffs embarrassment to our families?
Why in Europe and Britain is classical music so popular and Japan so pop
music/ r and r oriented?

I think the answer is $MONEY$, whether it is music or "girls gone wild".

Jane Pierce