Larry Sherwood quotes and answers Jon:

>Jon Bernard inquires how members of this List came to value CM.  A
>fair question.  In my experience, I would credit two major influences.
>The people who raised me saw that I received music lessons.

Although music has been a family tradition in the Sutton clan for
generations, and I received formal training very early on, it was my
third grade classroom teacher, dear old Mrs.  Jett, that first, and quite
accidentally turned me on to CM.

She was a fine visual artist, and once gave us a project to paint abstracts
to excerpts from great works of music.  I was a lousy painter, but I
fell in love with the music.

Fortunately for me, our small town public library had a huge classical
record collection that circulated to the public, and it was there that
I learned to love the great works of the repertoire.  Viva Andrew Carnegie,
who first saw to it that small towns in this country had libraries.  He,
in a way, helped launch my career.

Kevin Sutton