Jon Bernard inquires how members of this List came to value CM.  A fair
question.  In my experience, I would credit two major influences.  The
people who raised me saw that I received music lessons.  Although I had
no particular talent, I was a dutiful student, and the experience left
me with an appreciation of the art form and those who practiced it more
ably than I could have dreamed of doing.

A second, not wholly unrelated phenomenon, was being taken to CM concerts
when I was a child.  I still recall, as a pre-schooler, being taken to
a movie version of Aida, which left me with a curiousity about opera.
But I was not to overwhelmed with visual images as are so many children

Mimi (the retired violist) on this List once sniffed that piano teachers
were paid simply for showing up.  I suppose that may be true, but I would
not be too quick to dismiss the influence of piano teachers on their
young charges who show no real talent.

Larry Sherwood