I happened to be listening to Dukas' symphony last night and was convinced
that the first movement used the same melody that D'Indy uses in the
last of his Symphonie sur un chant montagnard francais.  So after listening
to the Dukas I pulled out the D'Indy and sure enough, there it was.  To
make sure I also went back and checked the Dukas.  The Dukas was written
several years after the D'Indy and I am wondering if he cribbed it or
if the melody is from some folk music in France.  I have read what I
have about the two and have not come across any discussion of the matter.
Anyone got any ideas?

By the way, I listened to Jesus Lopez-Cobos's recording on Telarc and
then Martinon's.  The former has luxurious sound and occasional moments
of mystery and beauty, but it is not nearly as good as Martinon's which
can be had from the Musical Heritage Society.
