> If North American beekeepers get smart, and get with the program,
> this trend to demanding rigourous documentation may prove to be
> a beneficial and help maintain price for qualifying product,
> inasmuch as some low-priced imported product may have difficulty
> providing a truly convincing history and a reassuring enough paper
> trail to satisfy careful corporate buyers

Given the successful track record in creating paper trails for
"false flag" country of origin exports/re-imports sufficient
to claim that Chinese honey is a Product of Singapore, Vietnam,
Malaysia, and so on, I am confident that these same individuals
will have one of the best-looking "Quality Assurance" paper trails
in the industry, worthy of ISO 9001 certification.  This is not to
say that their drums will suddenly be new, clean or even acceptable
for multi-mode transport, or that the honey within will be "clean",
or even actually honey.

> and their insurers.

This is an interesting point.  How many recalls does the FDA impose
before an insurance company raises liability insurance rates for that
honey packer?  I'm forced to wonder if any honey packer, even the
large co-ops, even have product liability insurance.  I know that
my "errors and omissions" premiums have more than doubled since
1995, and I've never had a claim.

                jim ("Lawn and Order" in beekeeping
                 can't be just "To Deflect and Swerve")

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