Kim Flottum, editor of Bee Culture magazine, Chairman of
the Eastern Apicultural Society, man about town, past
president of the Ohio Beekeepers Association, and all-around
nice guy will be having some minor plumbing work done this week.

This should be of interest to readers of this list because
the pipes needing work are connected directly to his heart.

The procedure is supposed to be a very boring and run-of-the-mill
sort of thing for the doctors who will do the work, but Kim will
be benched for a bit of recovery for an indeterminate period.

So, effective immediately:

1)  Prayer can't hurt.  Say one for him, if you know one.

2)  The address for sending get-well cards is:

       Kim Flottum
       AI Root Company
       623 W. Liberty St.
       Medina, OH 44256
       (And no, I'm not giving out his home address.)

3)  Kim has bummed many a smoke from many a beekeeper over
    the past few years that he has been trying to cut down.
    All such future requests from Kim should be denied.

4)  Single Malt Scotch?  You're joking, right?


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