Steven R.Gerber's Music To Be Performed in Summit Music Festival -
Concert by Violinist Michael Vaiman and Pianist Dina Joffe

Music by Steven R.Gerber will be heard as part of a concert by violinist
Michael Vaiman and pianist Dina Joffe, presented by the Summit Music
Festival on Wednesday, July 28, 8 PM at Purchase College, State University
of New York, located at 735 Anderson Hill Road in Purchase, New York.

His "Fantasy for Solo Violin" will be performed by Michael Vaiman as
part of the Festival's Summer 2004 Series.  Works for violin and piano
by Schoenberg, Prokofiev and Schubert will also be presented on this

Tickets for this concert are $15, with discounts for students and seniors.
For more information, contact the Summit Music Festival office at (914)
747-2020 or visit them at

Michael Vaiman studied violin at the Tchaikovsky Conservatory.  In 1977
he was a 2nd prize winner at the Wieniawski Competition in Poland.  In
1989, Mr. Vaiman and his family emigrated to Israel where he taught at
the Rubin Music Academy in Tel-Aviv.  He has performed in concerts both
as soloist and as a chamber musician in the USA, Germany, France, Italy,
Japan, Russia, and Israel.  He has also performed with such orchestras
as the Berlin Symphony Orchestra, the Moscow Philharmonic, the St.
Petersburg Symphony, the Lithuanian Chamber Orchestra, and the Tokyo
Soloist Chamber Ensemble.  He has also participated in numerous Chamber
Music Festivals in Europe.  Currently he is a Professor at the Music
Hochshule Koln-Aachen.

Steven R. Gerber's music has gained international attention as a result
of two recent CD releases (on Chandos and KOCH) featuring several of
his major orchestral works, including the Symphony No. 1.  Gerber has
achieved also great success in the United States and in his ten tours
of the former Soviet Union, perhaps becoming the most often-played living
American composer in that area.  Of the Symphony No. 1, Evening Moscow
wrote, "Gerber could serve as an example of American musical professionalism
...he stands out with the highest of temperaments and musical taste." Mr.
Gerber has written for a number of fine soloists including Yuri Bashmet
for the viola concerto, Kurt Nikkanen for the violin concerto and Carter
Brey for the cello concerto.  His work has been performed by groups such
as the Louisville Orchestra, Knoxville Chamber Orchestra, the Fine Arts
Quartet, the National Chamber Orchestra and the Russian Philharmonic.
He was recently commissioned by the Voice of America for a new Fanfare
for the Voice of A-M-E-R-I-C-A.  Steven R. Gerber is the subject of an
Electronic Dialogue interview in Sequenza 21 web magazine.  Read the
interview at  Visit his website

Steven R. Gerber is represented by Jeffrey James Arts Consulting.  For
a CD sampler of Steven R. Gerber's music or more information, contact
them at 516-797-9166 or [log in to unmask]

Jeffrey James
Tel/Fax: 516-797-9166