Donald Satz <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>To me, the problem isn't ill manners, but lack of knowledge of where
>to stock the classical discs.

And what's classical.  Sometimes, all innocence, I will pick up a Sarah
Brightman CD and tell a clerk, "oops, someone misfiled this by accident,
it isn't classical music." etc.

>Some Naxos get put in the budget section, some don't.

At Tower in Brea, California, there is a Naxos section, which is nice.
However, once when calling Tower to check if they had a Naxos of something
(Martinu -- Epic of Gilgamesh), I had to inform the sales clerk that
they had a Naxos section, and where it was.  Sigh...

No help is often better than bad help, IMO, certainly if you can help

Michael Cooper