Kim Patrick Clow wrote:

>When I pointed out to him that the CD I had in my hands was in the
>new releases bin, he made a facial expression akin to "oh lord,
>please don't bother me," and grudingly walked over to the Bach
>section.  I had no clue how the CD would be classified because the
>works really aren't by Bach.

At this point I'd have been tempted to hand him the original CD,
tell him to refile it and walk out of the store.

>And we wonder why sales are down so much.  I STILL think a lot of
>it has to do with ill mannered clerks.

When you consider how many people feel totally overawed by even
the thought of trying to buy a classical CD - "there are HOW MANY
recordings of the Four Seasons?" - I suspect you may be right.

Deryk Barker <[log in to unmask]>