I also use HFCS 55 to draw foundation after the sourwood flow.

The intent of my questions were to help in planning for increases in hive
numbers, to decide whether to allow the bees to draw foundation in the
spring and loss the honey they could generate and to have a general value
for the drawn hive bodies and supers that I have sitting in the warehouse.
My conclusions came from comments listed from Lloyd Spear,Allen dick, and
others that answered my list. I appreciate the assistance and realized that
conditions,weather, methods, time of year, and what your decide to feed the
bees to generate comb,plays a part in the outcome of drawn comb & cost. I
chose to use the current cost of honey to value the possible loss of honey
by allowing the bees to draw comb during the spring flow.
Honey with a M spells Money!

Put 3 beekeepers in a room and you will get 5 different opinions on how to
Thanks again for the different opinions.

Frank Wyatt
WG Bee
Eden, NC

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