I somehow missed out on May's Recording of the month, probably because
the month of May leaves a bad taste in my mouth.  Since that's a story
I'm not about to tell, it's time to announce June's Recording of the

Cyril Scott (1879-1970)
Symphony No. 3  - The Muses *
Neptune - Poem of the Sea
Piano Concerto No. 2 **
Huddersfield Choral Society *
Howard Shelley, piano **
BBC Philharmonic
Martyn Brabbins, conductor
Chandos CHAN 10211 [79:32]

Cyril Scott is one of many excellent British composers who have been
relatively neglected in recent decades.  Fortunately, Chandos comes to
Scott's rescue with a disc of his orchestral music that sounds mighty
fine to my ears upon initial hearings.  Scott was a highly diverse
individual with a host of interests.  His music also displays a wealth
of variety, even veering into the realm of non-tonal composition.

I do want to emphasize that I am not close to having any final opinions
of this disc, simply that I am very impressed up to this point in time.
I will be reviewing the disc in a few weeks.

There is another Scott disc that has just been released that I will
surely be acquiring.  It's on Dutton Epoch and contains Scott String
Quartets.  This one will also be reviewed down the road.

Don Satz
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