Scott Morrison:

>Richard Pennycuick includes in the Naxos releases for July the
>>IVES: Violin Sonatas 1-4
>That set has already been out in the US for several months.

As I've mentioned before, Naxos does not release its CDs in all countries
concurrently.  As far as I know, the newsletter I receive and report to
the list from is a one-size-fits-all.  The understanding is that not all
of the CDs listed will necessarily be available in the given month in
any particular country.  To that understanding, we need to add "some may
already be available." I found that the Ives CD is scheduled for release
in the UK on 28 June, ie July-ish.

I'd be interested to hear off-list from anyone who receives the Naxos
newsletter as to how your latest one compares with the releases I've

>It just occurs to me that the announced release may be for hybrid SACD

No, plain vanilla.  SACDs are always listed separately and - so far
anyway - have been pretty much standard repertoire.

Richard Pennycuick