Regarding the guilt issue - what of women who want to try breastfeeding and
then are given undermining information from their care providers?  The ped
who says to supplement without checking the latch, the maternity nurse who
tells her "it'll hurt for a few weeks, but hang in there, it gets better!"
as her nipples begin to crack and bleed.  I believe these women should not
be made to feel guilty, they think they're doing the right thing, but are
presented with almost insurmountable odds if there is any difficulty with
the latch.
I think the cold hard facts are great to pursuade women to try
breastfeeding while they are pregnant - but once they've started, how can
we be sure they're getting supportive care?  How can we reach the docs who
are telling them to wean because the baby isn't gaining, or to supplement
for normal newborn jaundice?  If they try and fail because of bad advice,
these women need support, not guilt.  With some women, all the information
in the world isn't enough to make them go "against doctor's orders" to
supplement or wean.


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