To the List,

Medhat has made IMO The CRITICAL STATEMENTS by writing, "If a reader who
is not familiar with the labeling regulations, he would assume that the
Canadian Honey having problems with antibiotic contamination...."
and..."This is (an)unfortunate situation that the label does not reflect
the percentage of blending of various sources of honey in the jar."

(IMO)Such circumstances as that pointed out by Dr. Nasr is exactly the
case with the general public and the press. The public does not know beans
about labeling requirements and I dare say that most do not read the label
any farther than the word "HONEY"; and, they rely upon the Canadian Food
Inspection Agency in Canada and the Food and Drug Administration and the
USDA here in the USA to make sure that the packer is providing a healthy
food product, honey. Thing is that the packers do not want to put the
percentage of foreign honey on their labels as it would be easier for the
customer to see and understand that there is foreign honey in those jars.
One good example: Sue Bee has labeling on their jars of "North American
Honey", that says "may contain honey from Canada and the United States";
take that to the bank North American Beekeepers!


-Chuck Norton (Whose 'Grandpappy' once said, "If you let the folks in
Washington listen to the people, and take dollars from the lobbyist,
Congress will soon have a deaf ear".)

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