Bernard writes:

>Previously John stated that he had sampled all the good stuff and some
>music which was not so good, and his interest in exploring the unfamiliar
>had been exhausted, at least for now.  But good stuff is being written
>and released even as we speak!!

What happened is this: I treat myself to what I call "world premier
nights." I scan the reviews, pick up a CD, buy a bottle of wine and pop
in something new.  This time it was Messian's "St.  Francis...." By the
third hour I just started laughing and couldn't stop. This has never
happened to me before.

I've play in an orchestra that specializes in new and obscure music
and I can't tell you how difficult and time-consuming it is to learn and
internalize those new and obscure melodies.  (Yes, an age-old complaint,
but it's getting ridiculous.  I can't think of one piece we've introduced
in the last five years that I'd want to hear again, or that was worth
the bloody fingers.  (It's not that the music's too forbidding--after
all, we live in the Age of Compassionate Cacaphonism.)

Oh, I'm just going through a crisis of faith.  I'm sure I'll get over
it.  I forgot to mention some additional new discoveries that I've really
enjoyed: Jongen's chamber music, on Naxos; and Cras' "Polypheme," on the
Timpani label.  So all is not lost.  I'm happy for the breadth of music
available to us, especially from Eastern Europe--so far be it from me
to look a gift-Horst in the mouth!--but my, some of it's bad.  (To me!)

John Smyth