
I recently did a consultation for a lovely couple, very educated, mom had a
ton of milk--basically we worked on positioning and latch-on, general stuff.
At the end of the consultation, the father said, "So will we need to give any
formula?"   And I told him that if the wife continues to produce such a
bountiful supply, there would be no reason to use formula.   He said that he's glad,
and then he said, "I don't know much about the formula vs. breastmilk thing,
but it just seems to me to be strange--I mean, formula is made in a factory."
 And I nodded and added my own two cents to that ("and made for a cow, who
has four stomachs"--thanks, Esther, for that one!).   A few days later I was
thinking about this statement as I was driving along, and I realized that we
often USE the factory analogy when we talk about the supply/demand function of the
breast ("as the orders come in to the factory, the workers speed up," etc.).
 Maybe we shouldn't do that--I mean, we're likening the breast to the very
thing that makes formula.   What other analogies do you all use out there?   I
actually often *don't* use the factory analogy, and usually just say something
like "the more you take out, the more you make," or, "milk removal equals milk
synthesis," but I have used the factory analogy before.

Just food for thought...

Heather Kelly, MA, IBCLC


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