If this is the same plant as Japanese Knotweed in UK (as it sounds like) it
should not be grown at any costs. It is a serious invasive weed which has
taken over large areas in the UK and seems almost impossible to kill even
with herbicides.

A particular problem in areas were the ground is not cultivated or mown and
I have seen it push up through concrete foundations when an old industrial
area was rebuilt.
I would suggest it is best not grown, just imagine a 20' weed that
herbicides will not kill.

Regards Phil Moore

> Hi All,
> Does anyone have any experience with the Sliver Lace Vine as a bee plant.
> It is a species of Polygonum, the same genus as Japanese Knotweed.  The
> plant flowers, as knotweed, mid-summer to frost.  It is a vine and can
> 20 feet in one season, or so the catalogs claim.  If it is as attractive
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
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